Church Membership
Know and be Known
Church membership is about committing to living for the glory of God together. In a crowd of people it can be easy to feel like just a number. At The Mount Church, we want you to know about your church and be known by your church. We want you to love your church and to be loved by your church.
The membership process is simple, biblical, and ensures that you will know what it means to be a part of The Mount Church.
Why Join The Mount?
Why become a Menber?
Church membership is about committing to living for the glory of God together. In a crowd of people it can be easy to feel like just a number. At The Mount Church, we want you to know about your church and be known by your church. We want you to love your church and to be loved by your church.
The membership process is simple, biblical, and ensures that you will know what it means to be a part of The Mount Church.
Attend The Mount for several weeks and experience the people, the preaching, and the philosophy of ministry here.
If you believe The Mount is the right fit for you, fill out the application letting us know you want to make this your church home.
After the application our Pastor will reach out and set up a time to meet with you to talk about the biblical commitment of our people at The Mount Church.
By this stage you’ve applied, provided us with your Christian testimony, and talked with our Pastor. Then our pastor will confirm you on Sunday Worship, and you’re all set!
Attend The Mount for several weeks and experience the people, the preaching, and the philosophy of ministry here.
By this stage you’ve applied, provided us with your Christian testimony, and talked with our Pastor. Then our pastor will confirm you on Sunday Worship, and you’re all set!
After the application our Pastor will reach out and set up a time to meet with you to talk about the biblical commitment of our people at The Mount Church.
If you believe The Mount is the right fit for you, fill out the application letting us know you want to make this your church home.